Wednesday, June 23, 2010

tomato fiesta

Painted this 5 x 7" late yesterday. This size feels so miniature to me now since I have grown up to larger canvases. This size is a pleasure to paint since I really like to paint alla prima. I picked up these colorful tapas plates and bowls yesterday and I am so excited about painting them.
footnote: sorry for being so uncomputer savvy that I can not even figure out how to edit my posts. When I go back in and try to edit the writing, all these little funny characters show up instead of the type. If I would spend a bit more time with it I am sure that I could figure it out. Five minutes is about my attention span with techno things.SOLD
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  1. Carol, wonderful color and composition on this. The dark background really makes the colors pop!

  2. Great pots Carol, I can almost feel the thick pottery in my hands!

    Re editing, it might be that when you return to your post you're seeing the HTML version of it. On the top right of the text box you'll see an 'Edit HTML' tab and a 'Compose' tab. Make sure that you have the 'Compose' tab selected, then you'll be able to see your normal post and edit it easily. Hope that helps! Yell if you have any problems.

  3. Yummy colors in this composition...well done!

  4. Look at those gorgeous bowls! I am seeing salsa...mmm...
