Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
sunshine in my pocket
I just counted the Christmas commissions I have completed since beginning work on them in October. Twenty one. Lots of dogs, cattle, children, and even the front of a house with two dogs in the yard. (don't be getting any ideas, that was a one time thing!) It is fun for me to think of all the Christmas celebrations I have a small part in.
This cow mug is painted on a 6 x 6 x 2" canvas.
This cow mug is painted on a 6 x 6 x 2" canvas.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
happiness in my heart
I definitely have happiness in my heart. I have finished all of my Christmas commissions. Cutting it a bit close. I love doing commissions for many reasons but the biggest one is for the happiness it brings the receivers. I have to paint much tighter than usual while painting them so it was fun painting this calf loosely. She is painted on a 36 x 36 x 2" canvas. I am excited to be thinking of new work that I want to paint for upcoming shows. My next one is in Nashville at David Lipscomb February 3-5.
I still have some openings in my January workshops that are being held in my studio here in Birmingham. The first one has a couple of spots and the dates are Jan 13 and 14. What a great Christmas present it would be. Email me for more information. The second workshop is Jan 27 and 28 and it has a couple of spots remaining. My email is
I still have some openings in my January workshops that are being held in my studio here in Birmingham. The first one has a couple of spots and the dates are Jan 13 and 14. What a great Christmas present it would be. Email me for more information. The second workshop is Jan 27 and 28 and it has a couple of spots remaining. My email is
Saturday, December 10, 2016
ooh ooh child
I used my " go to" way of coming up with a painting title when I have painted a subject many times. I turned on my amazon music and found a title from the first song that played. The song was "ooh, ooh child" by the five stair steps. I remembered the song but not the group. It happened to be a song that was perfect for me to hear right now. I am a bit stressed finishing up commission work.sold
I painted this 8 x 16" at the Mountain Brook Holiday show last Thursday. It is open until Dec 17 and the hours are 11-8 each day. Located on the lower level of Brookwood Mall across from Brio.
I painted this 8 x 16" at the Mountain Brook Holiday show last Thursday. It is open until Dec 17 and the hours are 11-8 each day. Located on the lower level of Brookwood Mall across from Brio.
Friday, December 9, 2016
i am loved
This was a demo that I did yesterday at the Mountain Brook Art Association's holiday art show. It was a nice break from painting a katrillion dogs. I hope I did not add any fur to the lemons. I am working through a few more Christmas commissions. This is painted on an 18 x 36 x 2" canvas.sold
The MBAA Holiday show is ongoing every day from 11-8 each day until Dec 17. It is located on the lower level of Brookwood Mall. (across from Brio) There is lots of great work available! Artist demos most days too!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
shoo fly
Took a little break from painting commission pieces to paint one of my favorite subjects. "shoo fly" is painted on an 8 x 10 x 2" and will be hanging in the Mountain Brook Art Associations holiday show that starts this Friday. It is held in Colonial Brookwood Mall on the lower level across from the entrance to Brio. A different and better location from previous years. The show will run through December 17 and opens at 11 every morning and closes at 8. I have lots of smaller paintings for this show.
I will not be at the MBAA holiday show opening because I will be in Nashville for the Brentwood Academy Art show. A great show in a great city. I love catching up with Nashville friends and participating artists. I am also looking forward to having a three day break from painting. I have been furiously painting commissions that will not be shared until after Christmas. I am officially saying No to any more commissions before Christmas. Seven more to go even so!
I will not be at the MBAA holiday show opening because I will be in Nashville for the Brentwood Academy Art show. A great show in a great city. I love catching up with Nashville friends and participating artists. I am also looking forward to having a three day break from painting. I have been furiously painting commissions that will not be shared until after Christmas. I am officially saying No to any more commissions before Christmas. Seven more to go even so!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
sweet talkin ladies man
Little title help from Joni Mitchell. This is painted on a 4 x 12 x 2" canvas. I have been very busy painting commissioned works and pieces for upcoming shows. I mostly used a pallet knife on this painting. I feel like the texture gives it more interest.sold
I am looking forward to traveling to Nashville next weekend for the Art show at Brentwood Academy. Dec 2-4. So fun to go back to one of my favorite cities and visit with long time friends and artists.
Also....Beginning Friday, Dec 2 , I will be participating in the Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday Show at Colonial Brookwood Mall in Birmingham. This show runs through December 17. Plenty of opportunities to go by and check out the art work.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
I am looking forward to traveling to Nashville next weekend for the Art show at Brentwood Academy. Dec 2-4. So fun to go back to one of my favorite cities and visit with long time friends and artists.
Also....Beginning Friday, Dec 2 , I will be participating in the Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday Show at Colonial Brookwood Mall in Birmingham. This show runs through December 17. Plenty of opportunities to go by and check out the art work.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 18, 2016
All leg
A chick one day, a cow the next day, and then a dancer. A pattern of painting what makes me happy. This one is painted on an 11 x 14 x 2" canvas.
Upcoming shows:
Fine Art at Brentwood Academy Dec 2-4 in Nashville, TN
Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday show Dec 2-17 in Birmingham, AL
Located across from Brio in Colonial Brookwood Mall.
Have a good weekend!
Upcoming shows:
Fine Art at Brentwood Academy Dec 2-4 in Nashville, TN
Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday show Dec 2-17 in Birmingham, AL
Located across from Brio in Colonial Brookwood Mall.
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
little bird
I just returned from a show in Savannah, GA. I happened to spend more money than I made this time. I brought some beautiful artwork home with me. Aaron Hequembourg had his work displayed across from me and I fell in love with it immediately. I photographed my two treasures below. He lives on an farm dating back to 1815 in Monticello, GA with his family. He has salvaged wood and artifacts from the buildings on the farm and worked them into his pieces. He laminates book pages into the wood, then carves the images into the wood and then paints and waxes the pieces. The models in his works live in the area and receive a percentage of his sale. Willie Moore is pictured in one of my pieces and he has worked on the farm his entire life. His website is
If you are subscribed to my blog I am sorry that you have received some old posts for the last two days. Not quite sure what happened.
I am busy doing commissions that I will not be able to post until after Christmas. I have two shows coming up. I will be in Nashville, TN Dec 2-4 at the Art Show at Brentwood Academy. I will also have work displayed in the Mountain Brook art association Holiday show. It is being held Dec 2- 17 at Colonial Brookwood Village.
"little bird" is painted on a 4 x 6 x 2" canvas. I still have some spots available in my January classes and you can email me at for more information.
If you are subscribed to my blog I am sorry that you have received some old posts for the last two days. Not quite sure what happened.
I am busy doing commissions that I will not be able to post until after Christmas. I have two shows coming up. I will be in Nashville, TN Dec 2-4 at the Art Show at Brentwood Academy. I will also have work displayed in the Mountain Brook art association Holiday show. It is being held Dec 2- 17 at Colonial Brookwood Village.
"little bird" is painted on a 4 x 6 x 2" canvas. I still have some spots available in my January classes and you can email me at for more information.
Monday, November 7, 2016
I still have some spots available in my January workshops. Email me at for more information. A fun thing to do during a pretty dull month.
I am headed to Savannah, GA at the end of the week for the Telfair Art Show. I would love to see you if you are in the area.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
I'm serious
Gearing up to paint seven commissions and I know I will have to paint tighter so this cow was a result of the anticipation. I have to make the animals look like the clients so I naturally have to tighten up. It is hard to balance making it looking like my style and capturing their pet or child. This is painted on a 20 x 20 x 2" canvas.
I am participating in the Telfair Art show next Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Savannah, GA. A very fun place to visit.
Have a great weekend!
I am participating in the Telfair Art show next Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Savannah, GA. A very fun place to visit.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
break time
My favorite compliment and one that I hear fairly often at show is that my booth makes them smile. I hope this painting brings a smile to you.
I still have some spots left in my January workshops. Contact me at if you are interested.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
toes out
I fit in some time to paint ballerina while taking a break from painting a cow commission. One friend suggested that I paint a cow in a tutu and I may just do that. This is painted on a 6 x 12 x 2" canvas.
I still have some spots available in both of my workshops in January. What a nice gift to receive or give yourself this Christmas. I work with all levels and guarantee you will learn some new things and have fun at the same time. The dates are Jan 13 & 14 and Jan 27 & 28. Email me at for more information. There are a few more details in my last posts.
Monday, October 31, 2016
dance party
I love the body language in this painting. My interpretation from left to right....1.) Not so sure about this 2.) I forgot to go to the bathroom before class 3.) I would rather be riding my boys bike 4.) the girl to my left is a show out 5.) When is my solo? I would have been the one in the middle that rode my boys bike. How about you? This is painted on an 18 x 36 x 2" canvas.sold
My next show is the Telfair Art Show in Savannah, GA Nov 11-13. After that I will be in Nashville, TN at the Art show at Bentwood Academy Dec 2-4. I am also participating in Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday show Dec 2-17.
My next show is the Telfair Art Show in Savannah, GA Nov 11-13. After that I will be in Nashville, TN at the Art show at Bentwood Academy Dec 2-4. I am also participating in Mountain Brook Art Association's Holiday show Dec 2-17.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Saturday, October 29, 2016
tiny dancer
One thing I really like about it is her right leg. If you can capture a gesture or movement in the pose it can make a painting. I enjoy painting tutus so I plan to paint some more dancers to go with this painting. Tutu series? This is painted on a 12 x 24 x 2" canvas.sold
Email me at if you are interested in joining me at my home studio in Birmingham, AL for a two day workshop. A few more details are in my last post.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
lovely girl
I just returned from some time spent in the NC mountains and I am having trouble getting back into my routine. I attempted one painting this morning that was a fail. I was feeling discouraged so I thought it would be good to try something different. This is primarily painted with palette knives. (I mostly use brushes) So.... lesson learned..... If you fail, try something else. This is painted on a 6 x 12 x 2" canvas. Sold
I am announcing two workshops to be held at my home studio this January. The first will be Jan 13 and 14 and the second will be on the 27 and 28. The days are a Friday and Saturday and the hours are 9:30 until 4:00. The class is limited to nine and lunch is included. The workshop is $260. Email me at to reserve your spot or to learn more about the workshop.
I am announcing two workshops to be held at my home studio this January. The first will be Jan 13 and 14 and the second will be on the 27 and 28. The days are a Friday and Saturday and the hours are 9:30 until 4:00. The class is limited to nine and lunch is included. The workshop is $260. Email me at to reserve your spot or to learn more about the workshop.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
A 6 x 8 x 2" commission piece. I get to paint this scene twice for a patron. She is gifting it to two relatives. It is always interesting to me how the next one will probably be fairly different even though I will paint the same image. Some of it has to do with the mood I am in while painting. I will attach it to this post after I paint it so that you can compare.
Have a fun weekend!
Have a fun weekend!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Really big cow
This is painted on a 3 x 5 ft canvas. I am terrible at photographing large paintings so my son Clint gave me a little assistance. It also gives you a little perspective of the size of the painting because he is right under 6' tall. I did not accessorize my front porch to go with the painting but it does.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
sweet days of summer
I will be in Huntsville, AL this Saturday and Sunday for the Monte Sano Art Festival. The hours are 9- 5 on Sat and 9-4 on Sunday. Come see me!
Friday, September 9, 2016
color my world
If you around my age( I will be 55 next week) you probably had "color my world" by the band Chicago as your prom theme song. I turned on music as I sat down to write this and it was the first song to play and provided a nice title for this painting. It may be my least favorite song by Chicago.
This is painted on a 30 x 40 x 2" linen canvas. I have a client who would like a background similar to this so this was a warm up/try out. I like it.sold
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Happy to be home from my latest show with a lot fewer paintings. I hope the new owners are enjoying them as much as I did painting them. One thing I hear a lot from folks at shows is that my booth makes them smile. Could you ever ask for a nicer compliment? We all need more things to smile about. This is painted on a 36 x 36 x 2" canvas.sold
My next shows are as follows:
Monte Sano Art Festival Sept 17 and 18 Huntsville, AL
Bluff Park Art Show Oct 1 Birmingham, AL
Telfair Art festival Nov 11-13 Savannah, GA
Thursday, September 1, 2016
big mad cow
This is a commissioned piece for a new patron from Michigan. She saw a painting I did a couple of years back titled "mad cow". The painting was sold and small and she needed a bigger one. I painted this 24 x 24 x 2" for her. Every state needs a little bit of Alabama color in it.
I am participating in Art in the Park in Marietta, Georgia this Saturday- Monday. The hours are 10 -5 each day. Come see me if you are in the area.
Hope you have a fun and restful Labor day weekend!
I am participating in Art in the Park in Marietta, Georgia this Saturday- Monday. The hours are 10 -5 each day. Come see me if you are in the area.
Hope you have a fun and restful Labor day weekend!
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
we go together
I am pretty happy with some things that I have painted since getting back in the studio. So.....if you have the luxury of this....take some time to smell the roses. They smell pretty good.
This piece is painted on a 20 x 40 x 2" canvas. The colors shown here are not a great representation.
I will be in Marietta, GA this Saturday, Sunday and Monday for Art in the Park. It is held in the town square and the hours are 10-5 each day. My booth number is 150.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
summer days
I am excited to get back in the studio on a regular basis. I have had lots of great diversions this summer. I really needed them. I feel refreshed and ready to get back into painting.
I have a show next Saturday, Sunday and Monday in Marietta, Ga located in their beautiful downtown square. The hours are 10 -5 each day. That is a lot so come out and see me if you are in the area.
This is painted on a 20 x 40 x 2" canvas.sold
I have a show next Saturday, Sunday and Monday in Marietta, Ga located in their beautiful downtown square. The hours are 10 -5 each day. That is a lot so come out and see me if you are in the area.
This is painted on a 20 x 40 x 2" canvas.sold
Saturday, August 20, 2016
I was fortunate to grow up having close relationships with my cousins. Some of my fondest memories were those shared with my cousins on both my mom and dad's side. So thankful for those wonderful people! This piece was commissioned by one of my cousins so extra special love went into the creating. It is very large. 3 x 4' , so I included an extra picture so that you can see how big it is in comparison to my easel.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
I painted this commission piece before I traveled in July. It was a surprise birthday gift so I am just now posting it. Princess was the childhood dog of a friend that is my age. His wife was thoughtful enough to have me paint it for him. I am actually listening to "Where the Red Fern Grows" right now. I read it years ago but it is fun listening to it again. All about a boy sacrificing and saving to buy two coon dogs. We probably all have one or two dogs that were extra special in our history.
This is painted on an 11 x 14".
This is painted on an 11 x 14".
Sunday, August 14, 2016
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