Painted this beach beauty today. She looked so content looking out at the water. There was a nice, strong light on her. I still struggle with skin tones. Feel like I learned a lot from Karin but I still have a long way to go. Enjoying the journey.
Now I want to share a pet peeve about blogging. I know you guys have to have experienced this. How many times have you composed a heart felt, profound, enlightened or wise quote ( I may have taken that a litttle far) on someone's blog and then you tap the enter button and it says, "service unavaiable" ? What a waste of precious time. It already takes a lot of time with the security they have in place. I am not a typist either. I really do not mean to complain because this is such a great way of communicating with folks from everywhere.
On that note....glad to see August Leaves making comments again. I have been worried about you. You are so kind to make a comment on my paintings even if they stink. I have missed your presence and am so glad you are back at it. We need your encouraging words.
This is painted on a 6 x 6" cradled panel.