Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Turnips and Flowers

This is a 6 x 12" painting that I did yesterday and tweaked today. I really like the colors in turnips. That is all I like about turnips. Definitely will not eat one.
I have been painting lots lately. Getting ready for a show April 10. The Mt Brook art association has a one day, outdoor show for it's members. Lots of work and fun. Hope we have good weather. If it rains on Saturday, we have it the next day if weather permits.
Posted by Picasasold

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring calf

Posted by PicasaI took a photo of this calf this weekend. He looks so content. The cows were not having a whole lot to do with me. They were not interested in looking at my camera. I was able to get a few photos to work from. This piece is painted on an 11 x 14" canvas.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mr Wonderful

soldPosted by PicasaI painted this12 x 24" rooster last week. This little rooster had so much personality! He would actually pose for me. He belonged to my sister and brother in law. Most of the roosters would run from me but this one would come up and start posing. He was so beautiful. Not sure of his breed. I have posted an earlier picture of the same rooster's head. I usually just make up a background.
Got back from a fun trip to Nashville with friends. They were patient with me when I would ask to stop the car to take pictures of cows.
I am working on a painting today of a calf laying down in a field. He is really cute. Hope the painting will turn out and I will post soon.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blue teapot and strawberries

Finished this 8 x10" painting yesterday. Decided to paint something a little brighter. The teapot is new for me. Picked it up at an antique store recently. Always on the look out for interesting things for still lifes.
Heading to Nashville with friends. Hope to get a lot of good pictures on my way there and in the city. Such a cool city if you have never been. Lots of great artists there.
Posted by Picasasold

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

strawberries and pears in wedgewood bowl

Just finished this 8 x 10" piece. This was the first time I have painted this bowl. I really like the contrast between it and the strawberries. I also like the shadow the cherry blossoms created on the backdrop. Kind of getting weary of still lifes. Have couple of comission pieces I am going to work on for friends. Little kid pics. That will be a fun change of pace.
Posted by Picasasold

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pink Roses

I did this 5 x7" painting the last day of Qiang Huang's workshop in Dallas. He did a demonstration of how he paints roses so many of us tried it out after watching him. He is masterful at painting them. I really don't like paintings of roses that much but his are extrordinary.
I feel so fortunate to have been able to watch him paint and hear his lectures. I learned a lot of things that I think will really help me grow as an artist.
Posted by Picasasold

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pansies in blue vase

This is a 5 x7" painting on linen. I am pleased with the way the pansies turned out. I still really prefer to paint on the smaller side. Going to stretch myself and try larger canvases for my still lifes. Think just need to move to larger brushes to keep the same character on bigger canvases. Any suggestions?
Posted by Picasasold

Friday, March 19, 2010

Deep Thinker

Good morning! the sun is finally shining in Birmingham.
This is a 12" x 24" monotone oil painting. It has a very different feel than most of my rooster paintings. I typically use very bright colors. I like the serene feeling this one has. I doubt roosters are deep thinkers but that is what I named this painting. "Where can I find the juiciest worms?" "Does that hen still think I am handsome?" "Can I out run that coyote?" Who knows?
My goal was to only use different strengths of transparent red oxide. I ended up adding a little burnt umber for the darkest values and a bit of naples for the lightest.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is one of a series of a fisherman I have paintied. This is painted on a 5" x 7" gallery wrap. I like the way the sun was falling on his hat and back. I am pleased I was able to keep the painting as loose as I did. I have to work hard at not over working paintings. That all goes back to me not being patient enough. I need to make sure I have the right color on my brush or the right lines in the painting before I put paint on the canvas.
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once in a blue moon

I posted a picture of this painting yesterday but this photo is a "little" better. Still some glare on it. You get the idea anyway.
Ready for the sun to come out in Birmingham! Have not seen it in several days. My flash keeps coming on when I am photographing outside. That is sad.
Posted by Picasasold

Monday, March 15, 2010

Row pears

Just finished this painting. It is painted on a 6" x 12" canvas. Had fun playing with the shapes, shadows and colors. Plan to do another similiar set up tomorrow. Heading back to try and salvage a still life I started last weekend. Pretty discouraged about it. I love the composition of it I just meddled up the background by overworking it.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tomatoes on Green

The tomatoes are painted on a 6"x 6" gallery wrap canvas. I like the contrast of the red tomatoes against the green background. I have recently started using more flat brushes instead of filberts. Still like the filberts but the flat brushes give the painting a different feel.
Am still planning on posting the still life I have been working on but am working out some kinks. Have messed with it too much and am getting a gummy mess. Hope I can salvage it. Maybe post tomorrow.
Posted by Picasasold

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is painted on a 6"x6" gallery wrap canvas. I have done several "rooster heads". I love the curiosity in this guy's stance and face. I really like pushing the color in the rooster paintings.
I am working on a larger(for me) 11"x14"still life that I hope to finish and post later today.
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Trio of Pears

I love painting pears! I am a threat in the grocery stores checking out the whole bin of pears for the prettiest ones. The produce man thinks I am pretty weird. I am .
I will post some of my "Beach Bottom" paintings soon. They evolved from doodling pears.
Posted by Picasasold

pink roses

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Better photo of roses

This is a better photo of the rose painting. Too much glare yesterday. I am learning.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


My reference for this painting was a photograph I took up at my parents place in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Their home is on a scenic lake in the mountains. There are lots of varieties of ducks on the lake. Seems like the white ones hang around in pairs. Anyway......these two were really cute!
This painting is 8"x10".
I will slow down on the posting soon. Just wanted to get a decent sampling of my work on the site.
Posted by Picasasold

Majestic Longtail

I love to paint roosters. Love their attitude. My sister and brother in law live in Ardmore, Alabama and have enough property to have several roosters and chickens. I feel fortunate to have lots of great photos of them since they have been disappearing lately. It is either coyotes or my brother in law Hamilton. Ha! They were multiplying quite rapidly and making a mess.
This painting was painted on an 8"x16" gallery wrap canvas.
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Pepper Party

Happy to report that I have figured out how to view my blog. I am a little slow. This is a 8"x10" oil painting on linen that I recently painted. The peppers were a challenge and fun. I learned so much at Qiang Huang's workshop last week. Trying to put some concepts into practice. This painting was completed about a month ago. Plan to paint this afternoon.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two Calves

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Two Calves

I recently finished this painting of two calves. Took the picture close to my sister's home in north Alabama. I have always been fascinated with cows. They just seem to stand around all day. I love Gary Larson's cartoons addressing cows.
I still do not know how friends can find my blogspot. ?????

Friday, March 5, 2010

I still have not figured out all the logistics of blogging but thought I would go ahead and post another painting. The painting is a portrait of a cute maltipooh named Stella. She was so much fun to paint because of her wild hair.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hello! Trying to figure out this blog thing. This is a painting a painted a few months ago. My work is very diverse so you will get a sampling of my work the next few days. I just got back from a three day oil painting workshop in Dallas. My son Clint is at SMU so I got to visit with him too. Double fun! Qiang Huang taught the workshop. We focused on still life. He is an excellent artist and teacher. Check out his blog or web site!