I had a great Thanksgiving with my family. Glad to get back to painting after several days break. I am also busy preparing and packing my work for a three day art show I am taking part in in Nashville. Hope to squeeze in a couple of paintings before I leave. SOLD
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
sunflowers on a rainy day
Monday, November 22, 2010
orange and blue
This is painted on a 6 x 8" linen canvas. Sorry for the bad photo. In a hurry.SOLD
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I got a new camera and have taken some great pictures this weekend that I can't wait to paint.
Only wish there was more time in a day.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
cow squared
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
82 Queen
This is a painting from a photograph I took from my trip to Charleston. I had lunch with my husband and friends at 82 Queen the first day. Quaint place with great food. We were eating an early lunch and had a whole room to ourselves. I noticed the beautiful light coming through the window and hitting the glasses on the corner table. This is painted on an 11 x 14" linen canvas.
Finally got to paint again after several days absence. Moved my son's things to Oklahoma City this weekend. No quick trip. Eleven hours turned into longer because I had to stop and take pictures. He is one of my recent college grads. He got a job with a construction company based in Birmingham that does jobs all over the states. Will be in Oklahoma for 8 months building a hospital. Proud of him.SOLD
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Painted this beach beauty today. She looked so content looking out at the water. There was a nice, strong light on her. I still struggle with skin tones. Feel like I learned a lot from Karin but I still have a long way to go. Enjoying the journey.
Now I want to share a pet peeve about blogging. I know you guys have to have experienced this. How many times have you composed a heart felt, profound, enlightened or wise quote ( I may have taken that a litttle far) on someone's blog and then you tap the enter button and it says, "service unavaiable" ? What a waste of precious time. It already takes a lot of time with the security they have in place. I am not a typist either. I really do not mean to complain because this is such a great way of communicating with folks from everywhere.
On that note....glad to see August Leaves making comments again. I have been worried about you. You are so kind to make a comment on my paintings even if they stink. I have missed your presence and am so glad you are back at it. We need your encouraging words.
This is painted on a 6 x 6" cradled panel.SOLD
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
good times
This is another painting I did at the workshop last week. Same little girls as earlier post. Loved the reflections in the water. Karin taught us a lot about working with your photos. She showed us some examples of bad photos that she had taken that turned into great paintings. Check back through your old photos and crop them, leave stuff out, pick out something minute that might be a good painting. She knows alot about photoshop and feels it is a great tool for artists. I am slowly trying to learn some things I can do with it. I am so excited about painting this week. Wish I had more time to put into it.
This is painted on a 6 x 6" panel.SOLD
Monday, November 8, 2010
banjo boy
Home from my travels and it feels so good. I had such a great week in every way but there is no place like home. Had a wondeful long weekend in Charleston. First time I have ever been and it is such a beautiful city. Got to see Karin Jurick paint in Washington Square park on Saturday. She created two beautiful paintings. I won't keep on gushing about Karin but I could.
I am really tired from the traveling but hope to jump back into painting tomorrow using new knowledge gained last week.
I painted banjo boy one day last week at the workshop. He is painted on a 6 x 6" panel.SOLD
Saturday, November 6, 2010

The first afternoon in Hilton Head we all headed out to look for photos to work from. Glad we did because that was the only afternoon we had sunshine. I was pleased to get enough photos to keep me busy.
We all worked on the black primed gesso panels. Takes a bit getting used to but I really like the results.
Let me share a funny story from the workshop. There was this one soft spoken guy there that I had noticed really had a nice touch in his paintings. I asked him if he was in any galleries or sold work. He said he mostly gave things away to friends. I proceed to tell him that maybe he would be interested in doing some weekend shows, etc. Well.....he said that it might be hard with his permanent job. I asked what that was and he said he was a cartoonist. It was Jerry Scott who writes "Zits" and "Baby Blues"!! My face turned dioxazine purple wih embarrasment. He was very kind and super talented. Showed us some very large paintings he had done at home that were terrific. Maybe he will create a website or blogsite some day. In his spare time between doing weekend art shows.
Thhis is painted on a 6 x 6" panel.SOLD
Friday, November 5, 2010
first day practice.
The first day of Karin's workshop she did a demo of "flip, flop, flip". She then gave all the students a copy of the photo to paint. So much fun to paint. I edited out the fishing tackle box and the extra flip flop. She made it look a lot easier to paint than it was. Her drawing and painting skills are magnificent. I was able to see the original "flip,flop, flip" at the Morris Whiteside gallery in Hilton Head. It absoultely glowed. So nice to see her other gallery paintings up close and personal. Breath taking!
I have moved on to Charleston now. Stunning drive over from Hilton Head. Can't wait to explore the city. Karin is painting in Washington Park tomorrow.
I will tell you more about the workshop in the next few posts. The absolute thrill of a lifetime.
This painting is painted on an 8 x 10 panel and is $1000.00. JK, It's just for me.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Our teach
What a great experience this week has been. Karin Jurick has given the 19 artists in her workshop an experience we will never forget. She greeted us all the first day with bear hugs. Good way to start. The first day she did a demo of "flip, flop, flip". The painting she is working on in the photo. So great to see her paint. Her paintings are even more amazing in person. The way she portrays light, color and personality in her work is incredible. It has been an inspiration to see her paint and hear her story. Also fun getting to know the artists in the workshop. Has to rank in one of the top ten fun things I have EVER done. Can't sing her praises enough. She is painting in Washington Park in Charleston, SC this Saturday morning if you are in the area. Brave woman is doing plein air for the first time. No prob, she could make a dog turd look good.
Hope to photograph and post some of my work beginning tomorrow.
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