Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Does this bird make me look fat?

I was hoping to be playing in the snow today but the snow never happened.  This was a fun alternative. This is painted on a 36 x 36 x 2" canvas.

There are still spaces available in my March 8 and 9 workshop here in Birmingham, AL.  Email me at carolcarmike@att.net for more information.

This painting will be with me at my next show Feb 8-10 in Nashville.  I am participating in the Art Event at Lipscomb Academy.  Always love visiting Nashville.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


 This painting is an 18 x 24 x 2".

My next art show is the Art Event at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville,TN February 8 - 10. 

Email me for information about my two day workshop in Birmingham March 8 and 9. carolcarmike@att.net

Monday, January 21, 2019

no place I would rather be

It always feels good to be back in the studio after a few days away. This is painted on a 16 x 20 x 2" linen canvas.

Email me at carolcarmike@att.net for information about my upcoming workshop March 8 and 9.  I love to teach but do not get around to it very often.  The workshop will be held at Lazenby Studio in Bluff Park, AL. (Birmingham) A great space for being creative.  We could always do a field trip to my studio after the workshop for any interested.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

the heart of me

I am still searching on the canvas.  This is a large 36 x 48 x 2" canvas.   I am on a little horse jag right now. I used to be a bit intimidated about capturing their beauty.  Guess I am facing that fear. 

I would like to announce that I am planning a two day workshop here in Birmingham March 8 and 9.  I typically have them at my home studio but friends have offered their new gallery/studio space that is much bigger.  It is a wonderful space with lots of room to be creative.  We will be working on painting animals and still life with expressive brushwork, color and light.  Email me at carolcarmike@att.net for more information.  

Thursday, January 10, 2019

running to what I can't see

Enough of the sheep already.  No, but this and next month are a great time of exploration for me.  I used acrylic to do a textured undercoating on this 18 x 24" canvas a couple of months ago.  I rarely use acrylic and knew I was going to use oil on the top layer. I liked the vibrancy and texture and color in the underpainting and felt like it needed something powerful to go along with that.  My work may seem a little disjointed now but I am determined to keep experimenting.
I was listening to Lauren Daigel's song "inevitable" when this title reached out to me.  She is the best!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

camera shy

This 12 x 24 x 2" lamb did not want to be photographed.  I use my i phone to photograph my work and it usually does a fair job.  Elongated canvases are the hardest.  I do not understand why and I don't really care to take the time to figure it out.  There is also a terrible glare in the picture. Some days! I probably took 25 or so pictures of this painting and never got it right.

Monday, January 7, 2019

snow day

Feels strange painting a snowy scene the last couple of days when we actually have beautiful weather outside. It is not so hard when we have our typical gloomy, cold winter days.  I am working on a body of work with this theme and color palette.  Very different from my colorful work. Not abandoning anything just changing it up for a bit. This is painted on a 20 x 24" canvas.sold

Friday, January 4, 2019

new beginning

 I have been anxious about getting back to painting the last few days.  My last month of painting was occupied by commissions. A different kind of painting for me because it has to resemble something.  I am so happy that folks want me to paint their "loved things" but I sure do miss the freedom to mess up while I am doing them.
I am pleased with the way this painting turned out.  I could keep it as loose as I liked.  It is painted on a 30 x 40 x 2" linen canvas. 
My next show is The Art Event at Lispcomb Academy February 8-10 in Nashville.  I have not been to Nashville in a while and am really looking forward to it.