Wednesday, June 27, 2012

my girl

 My trip to Orlando got delayed so I made a trip to visit my sister in north Alabama. She lives in a rural area so I woke up with the sun this morning to take pictures.  I wanted to bring this inquisitive calf home with me.  ( I am not positive a cow was not living in my apartment before we moved in.)  She nuzzled other calves out of the way when they tried to get close.  She was not quite as colorful as my rendition but I think my feelings for her played into this piece.  This is painted on a 12 x 12" gallery wrap canvas.sold
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  1. I think I've said this before, but your cows have such personality. Love all the rich colors in this too.

  2. Love the colors -- Carol, you are a gift to the blog world - love your honesty and your thoughts!

  3. Votre interprétation colorée me fascine beaucoup... j'adore.
    Je rencontre régulièrement des troupeaux de vaches dans les prés environnants. Elles sont très curieuses, de véritables concierges! Il faut qu'elles viennent lentement vers vous en levant le museau légèrement comme l'avez magnifiquement bien peint dans cette dernière oeuvre.
    Très joli travail, bravo !
    gros bisous

  4. Ohhhhh, she is so beautiful! Love the previous tenant comment. LOL

  5. This is great! I think it might be my favorite of all your cow paintings. Beautiful color.

  6. I agree...such personality achieved with your confident brush strokes and soft colors. Makes me wonder what she was thinking ;)

  7. Okay, so I just said moo at the computer screen, thank you very much. Harrumph!

  8. Love all the colors in this one and her inquisitive expression. One of my favorites of your cows.
