Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our teach

What a great experience this week has been. Karin Jurick has given the 19 artists in her workshop an experience we will never forget. She greeted us all the first day with bear hugs. Good way to start. The first day she did a demo of "flip, flop, flip". The painting she is working on in the photo. So great to see her paint. Her paintings are even more amazing in person. The way she portrays light, color and personality in her work is incredible. It has been an inspiration to see her paint and hear her story. Also fun getting to know the artists in the workshop. Has to rank in one of the top ten fun things I have EVER done. Can't sing her praises enough. She is painting in Washington Park in Charleston, SC this Saturday morning if you are in the area. Brave woman is doing plein air for the first time. No prob, she could make a dog turd look good.
Hope to photograph and post some of my work beginning tomorrow.
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  1. Looking forward to seeing your work. I would love to attend one of Karin's workshops. I admire her work immensely and from your description she sounds like a great teacher.

  2. Je sens tellement d'enthousiasme en vous lisant que j'ai hâte de voir prochaines créations...
    Bisous à vous.

  3. Cannot wait to see what you did. The workshop sounds like a great experience. It would be tops on my Christmas list!

  4. Your work is lovely. What ever you are painting in the background... you sure cracked it :o)

  5. Oh, to live vicariously through you; I am jealous but delighted I get to hear about this wonderful experience...we can't wait to learn and see more!!
