Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is a boy I snapped enjoying the playground equipment behind my booth last Saturday. He is painted on a 6 x 6" gallery wrap canvas.
I am packing up for the North Carolina show this weekend. Think this will be the last painting for a few days. I am going up a couple of days early to enjoy the Fall weather in the mountains.
My work is being featured along with some others in DK gallery in Marietta, GA this Friday night. The theme is "creatures". I love creatures of all shapes and sizes so I am happy to be a part of it. Go by if you are in the area. OR come see me in Waynesville, NC on Saturday at the Church Street Arts and Crafts show.sold
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  1. Love your paintings. I'm always so impressed by artists who can capture the personalities of the people they paint. You did that with this little boy on the run.

  2. Precious painting, Carol. Good luck with the show this weekend. Weather should be good and welcome to NC.

  3. Une peinture pleine de tendresse...
    Je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses... Dommage que vous soyez un peu (beaucoup)loin, autrement je me serais autorisée une petite visite...
    gros bisous

  4. Whee is wonderful. Love your figuratives and this one is fun and full of little boy wonder. Have fun up in NC and congrats on the show at DK Gallery.

  5. Something about him reminds me of grandson. A precious and special painting, Carol. Much luck to you at the NC show!

  6. You figurative paintings have so much action! And a big WOW for all the shows you are doing, and now the gallery show as well. Good going girl!

  7. Love the little boy, and I always enjoy seeing your next paintings. Your style is amazing. Good luck on your trip and your show.

  8. I would love to see your "creatures" since they are some of my favs of your paintings. Hope you have a great show and fun trip to the mountains!

  9. You are one busy lady! I would also love to see your work in a show. Someday. This little boy is charming, and you nailed the 'action' part of it!
