Wednesday, October 12, 2011

wandering westie

Feel like I have been wandering too. Finally back home after being away. Think I am home for a while now. I had a great time visiting the mountains of western North Carolina. The air was cool, the sky sunny and the leaves were beginning to change color. October might be my favorite month of the year.
I took the picture of this Westie somewhere in Italy. We did not see that many dogs and the ones we saw looked fairly different from our breeds.
Need to start catching up with some commission works. The westie was a fun entrance back into the painting world. He is painted on a 5 x 7" gallery wrap canvas.
Posted by Picasasold


  1. Je vous souhaite un bon retour... J'arrive tout juste après quelques jours de vacances et je me réjouis de découvrir votre première oeuvre de remise en route...
    La lumière italienne vous aura suivi... une belle toile.
    gros bisous

  2. Love those bold rich strokes like only you can do it.

  3. I love this westie -- beautiful colors, with thick juicy brushstrokes. Great title, also!

  4. Welcome home wanderer...which did you like better- Italy or NC? And...why do dogs look different over there? Love this westie regardless of his papers:) Fun sculpted paintwork and cute composition! I like that he feels like he is just trucking along. Sounds like things are good for you and busy- yay on all the commissions.

  5. Love this Westie! In fact I love your loose, painterly style. This is my first visit to your blog (discovered you via Kelley MacDonald's blog)and I'm sure I'll be back. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork.

  6. Love all the colors you found in this guy's white coat!
