Sunday, August 7, 2011

barnyard baby

One of my sister's chicks. One of the cutest babys created. This is painted on a 5 x 5" gallery wrap canvas.
I think my recent paintings are a result of procrastinating doing more tedious commission work. I am so happy that next week is clear for lots of painting time.
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  1. Is this not the most sweetest thing you have ever seen? precious Carol! Now get to work on those commissions! :)

  2. I love the different texture in the brushwork and how you created depth and movement.

  3. Un petit poussin adorable... et si joliment coloré... Une belle touche qui donne un beau contraste. Beau travail.
    Gros bisous

  4. Soooo cute and your brush strokes bring out the texture of the chick. Well done!

  5. Just the cutest chick! I really like the abstract quality of this one. He almost looks like he is quilted!

  6. Agreed, cute chick, love the brushwork!

  7. Adorable Carol!! Glad you have some time to just paint, can't wait to see what comes of it!

  8. You have captured this in all its fluffy golden glory! Love that hint of baby wings sprouting too. Perfectly wispy in the fashion of newborns!

  9. This is the cutest little chicken butt I've ever seen! Love all the color you've brought into this precious piece!
