Tuesday, March 15, 2011

these two

I feel like this is kind of a puzzle. I painted it and I still am not sure which parts belong to each dog. I took this photo of my friend's two imperial shih tzus. I laughed my way through most of this painting because of the eyes. Max is the one on the left of the painting. He is only a year old and is still very frisky and gets into a little trouble. Sophie is on the right and she is three but acts like she should be in the old dog's home. Max has a puppy cut so that you can see his eyes and Sophie's eyes are mostly covered by her hair. I love it when dogs are too lazy to lift their heads when you are talking to them but they will follow you with their eyes. My Tucker has that mastered. It does take a lot of energy for them to lift their heads.
I painted this on an 8 x 10" panel. Just for fun and a friend.
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  1. Adorable, love the color combo of he pink and green. Wonderful job capturing the shih tzu eyes. I get these looks from my Coco a lot. Don't you love painting the white on them!

  2. These two are adorable! I used to have a shih tzu and loved him so this one tugs at my heart!

  3. Lucky friend to receive such a precious painting! Carol, these little guys are just too adorable..oops, looks like that's what everyone is saying, so it must be true!

  4. Too cute, Carol! Well done and what a fabulous gift for your friend, I know she will cherish this!

  5. Wonderful painting and wonderful characters.

  6. Very fun and love the expressive faces. Wonderful eyes and I can tell which part belongs to which pup! You make the best gifts for friends! Very thoughtful.
    Tugged at my heart too, Maggie used to do the follow with eyes, too tired to lift head trick:(:)

  7. what a blessing this friend has just got....such a sweet and expressive piece you have created for her Carol. just fab!

  8. Very cute dogs. I couldn't make it without my two dogs.

  9. What a lovely and fun indeed piece, Carol. For some reason, Flopsy and Mopsy have come to mind! Your friend will be ecstatic!!

  10. This is the way it should be. Two friends, can't tell where one stops and the other begins.

  11. Very sweet, Carol. I love your brushwork.

  12. What a wonderful gift for a friend Carol. You didn't have to mention which one causes some trouble, it is all over Max's face!

  13. It's awesome. Funniest little dog I have ever seen. So sweet.

  14. You can't help but smile when you look at this painting. What a cute pair! Excellent job on your puzzle pieces! They look so comfy and as usual LOVE YOUR BRUSHSTROKES!

  15. So cute, the puppies are so cute and I also love the combo of the pink with the green.

  16. Adorable painting and what a lovely gift for your friend. It's a very happy painting!

  17. I've got 3 shih tzus, and you're right - sometimes it's hard to tell which end is which.
