Sunday, May 23, 2010


This 16 x 20" painting is painted from a photograph I took at the Lake Eden Arts Festival close to Asheville, NC last Fall. Love the little girl's colorful outfit. It was really muddy that day at this campground so she had a good coating of mud on her knees. Good time had by all! Especially my friend JC who got to see the Cowboy Junkies.
I have seen a pattern in many of my children paintings. Lots of squatting going on. Squatting kids are cute! What makes squatting cute? What makes holes in your face cute?(dimples) I am thankful that I like to squat so that I can get down their on their level to photograph. I don't think it's cute when I squat.
I wish I had holes in my face but I don't.
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  1. If you look like your avatar, you are darn cute as is this painting!

  2. Funny you should mention the dimples. Last night I was also wishing I had them (the kind in my cheeks and chin). As to squatting, if I get down, it is really hard getting back up. In fact, it is rather difficult getting down there even...bad knees. Anyway, she is delightful. I live the bright and colorful palette, so perfect for children. And I love that she has the freedom to get her knees muddy. I suspect that would have driven me mad as a mom when my kids were little! This painting is sheer delightful!

  3. Thanks for your kind comments. After reading this post, my husband said maybe I needed to get out of my studio a while. Maybe gas fumes were getting to me? Ha
