Thursday, May 27, 2010


Sometimes it pays off not to exercise. Yesterday I had time to paint or exercise so....I painted in my exercise clothes. Does that burn calories? I am very glad that I chose to paint because I am happy with the way this 8 x 10" piece turned out. The colors in the peppers were so delicious and it was my first attempt with the blue tinted jar. I may paint in my exercise clothes more often.
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  1. It sure turned out well, Carol! It is light and impressionistic. The colors and lights on the glass makes it very lively too!

  2. I think your exercise clothes are magical! Beautiful job on the jar. The peppers are modeled perfectly and your shadows are nice, too.

  3. This is truly phenomenal, Carol. Beautiful colors, awesome job on the glass Mason jar. Please ship those exercise clothes on over here! LOL

  4. I really like this one Carol. It has such a reflective quality. You handled the jar just beautifully. I think that you really captured that delicious colour that you liked on the peppers. Great job!

  5. Great exercise class you have going on might just have to do an exercise video! Super job on the peppers and glass jar.

  6. Hi Carol, Great job on this! I think I'll try painting in my exercise clothes.....
