Saturday, October 29, 2016

tiny dancer

This was one of those paintings that I was totally feeling insecure about.  I was not going to post until my husband told me he loved it.  Hmmmm...... Even though he does not have any artistic ability he has developed a good eye that has helped me many times.  Thanks Dano!
One thing I really like about it is her right leg.  If you can capture a gesture or movement in the pose it can make a painting.  I enjoy painting tutus so I plan to paint some more dancers to go with this painting.  Tutu series?  This is painted on a 12 x 24 x 2" canvas.sold

Email me at if you are interested in joining me at my home studio in Birmingham, AL for a two day workshop.  A few more details are in my last post.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this painting Carol!!! A precious subject and I love your previous palette knife cow....she's perfect!!!!!

  2. Carol, this is so sweet! If you'd like a photo of a little girl in a tutu I have one you are welcome to have. It was taken in Boston, MA on the waterfront. She was trying to see if she was tall enough to go on the carousel. I'll look for it in case you'd like to have it. I'm hoping it wasn't among the photos I lost last year.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm looking for the photo, I found the watercolor sketch I did of her but the photo is not on my computer. I do remember printing one out though so I might be able to find where I filed it. Hang on!
