Tuesday, November 15, 2016

little bird

 I just returned from a show in Savannah, GA.  I happened to spend more money than I made this time.  I brought some beautiful artwork home with me.  Aaron Hequembourg had his work displayed across from me and I fell in love with it immediately.  I photographed my two treasures below. He lives on an farm dating back to 1815 in Monticello, GA with his family.  He has salvaged wood and artifacts from the buildings on the farm and worked them into his pieces.  He laminates book pages into the wood, then carves the images into the wood and then paints and waxes the pieces.  The models in his works live in the area and receive a percentage of his sale.  Willie Moore is pictured in one of my pieces and he has worked on the farm his entire life. His website is www.bigwhitedog.net
If you are subscribed to my blog I am sorry that you have received some old posts for the last two days.  Not quite sure what happened.

I am busy doing commissions that I will not be able to post until after Christmas.  I have two shows coming up.  I will be in Nashville, TN Dec 2-4 at the Art Show at Brentwood Academy.  I will also have work displayed in the Mountain Brook art association Holiday show.  It is being held Dec 2- 17 at Colonial Brookwood Village.

"little bird" is painted on a 4 x 6 x 2" canvas.  I still have some spots available in my January classes and you can email me at carolcarmike@att.net for more information.