Wednesday, March 13, 2013

king of the crowers

 I  am still very busy getting settled in my home and have many distractions at the moment.  I have painted lots of animals lately so I guess that is my comfort food. (I like mac and cheese too.)
I look forward to painting still life set ups and figures soon. I will post a few updated photos of my studio soon.  Still working on it.  Would rather paint than organize.
This is painted on an 11 x 14 x 1 1/2" canvas.sold
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great rooster, Carol. He looks in control of the barnyard.

    Congratulations on your new home. I remember how exciting it was to build and move into our new home 15 years ago. Enjoy!!

  3. Hah! I'd probably rather organize than paint. At least if it is in doing such a thing as fixing up that gorgeous studio of yours!! Love the rooster. Comfort food...hmmm...McDonalds' cheddar burgers. I'm so ridiculous.

  4. The colors and lines in this painting really perk me up, Carol. It would be worth an early "wake-up call" just to see this guy strut! Can't wait to see your studio photos. What an exciting task!
