Monday, March 4, 2013

hot seat

 Think I am at a place where I can get back to painting regularly.  I am still figuring out my studio.  I have discovered that I have a lot of sun streaming in my front windows in the afternoon.  In a few months when the trees are leafed out that will change.  Makes it a bit hard to see my computer screen when I am using it to paint an image. A lovely problem in my opinion.  I think the new studio will have an affect on my painting and I hope you will stick with me.
This is painted on a 6 x 12 x 1" panel.sold
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  1. Oh la la!!! J'ai pris énormément de retard! Il y a longtemps que je n'étais venue vous visiter...
    Aussi, surprise ! lorsque je suis allée voir vos anciennes publications. Votre atelier est extraordinaire. Je me réjouis pour vous. Merci de nous le montrer.
    Les oeuvres qui j'ai eu le plaisir d'admirer ensuite sont toujours merveilleuses. J'aime votre touche et votre palette.
    Mes félicitations aussi pour la vente de la peinture avec les jeunes enfants au bord de l'eau. C'est vraiment une belle toile.
    Et quoi de dire que Meuh j'aime cette dernière vache !?...
    gros bisous à vous.

  2. She has that caught "hand in cookie jar" look. I love it!!

  3. beautiful bold colorful! i'll stick with you for sure

    and thank you so much for your very kind comments left on my blog commemorating my Tim's first anniversary. they mean more than you can know.

  4. Bold and fabulous strokes! I love it!

  5. Bold and fabulous strokes! I love it!

  6. Another great cow! Love the color in the foreground. I bet you are having the time of your life in your new studio. Do you have to pinch yourself once in a while?
