Thursday, March 21, 2013

girl's best friend

 I have a group of friends that have been together as a tennis team for a while and when one of them has a birthday they pool their money together to get a present.  Many times it is a painting from me.  It was my friend, Tracy's, time to be feted so she decided she wanted a painting of her dog Dixie.  She sent me some pretty good photos of Dixie but I had remembered seeing this one of her on facebook. They look so happy enjoying the lake together.  So.....I complicated it by adding Tracy to the painting.  You know I do not do faces because I agonize over getting it right. (I would almost rather peel my fingernails off than paint a face.)  I also decided to go for it without asking her permission.  Yikes!  I hope she likes it.  I do.
This is painted on an 8 x 10" linen panel.sold
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  1. It's wonderful! I'm sure she will LOVE it! It is a happy feel good painting for sure! Love the strong brushwork!

  2. I love this too Carol, what a special gift this will be!

  3. Love, love, love...never again say you don't do faces...know she'll love it alsol!

  4. Tracy will love this!! It is great!
    I love my rooster!

  5. Carol, you are so talented! Wonderful job!!

  6. Your comment about peeling your fingernails off made me laugh. Then I realized that I spend a good part of every day doing just that with my teeth. Sigh...

    Anyway, this piece is so fabulous and I love that your heart comes through this one too.

  7. Really great job, Carol! You captured the fun I think the face is done quite well. No need to ever peel your nails. Ha!

  8. What a great birthday present and surprise. The face looks great to me. I want to pull my fingernails off when I paint a landscape or a flower - so I can feel your pain!

  9. Great job, Carol. I love the lush brushstrokes on the dog's fur, and what a cute face! And I love the hat! Beautiful buttery colors and a glow under the brim. Also love the blue reflection in the sunglasses. So much to love about this!

  10. What an absolutely beautiful painting and a wonderful birthday reminder. Wish I knew someone who would do this for me on my birthday with my corgi.

  11. Thank you to all! Your commemts are so nice to hear!!

  12. You are brave! It turned out great Carol, yes faces are hard and you nailed it. I wanted to say congratulations on your Daily Paintworks Highlight. Well deserved and I loved the paintings you included in your interview. I want to pull my fingernails back when painting a landscape, aren't we funny?
