Thursday, September 27, 2012

pre sun

 I edited out the parent who was applying sun screen to this little girl.  I love her "this feels gross" splayed fingers.  I used to have to chase my boys around the room to put their sun screen on.  You would have thought I was applying acid.
This is painted on a 20 x 20" gallery wrap canvas.
I plan to post a couple of pictures of my future studio space next week.  Sheet rocking it this week.  Thinking we will get to move in sometime in January.  Trying to be patient and enjoy the process.
Have a great weekend!sold

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  1. Adorable! Looking forward to seeing your new work space, love to see where people do their painting.

  2. This is so cute! Can't wait to see the pictures of your new studio!

  3. I still do the "that feels icky" finger splay. I wonder where moms find this kind of bathing suit. They are so girly girl and so darned cute. I don't think I've seen them in the store myself. I love this piece, Carol. I have two daughters and 3 granddaughters so this brings out big mommy feelings in me.

    Glad to hear where you are in the house project. I was wondering!

  4. Cute crop. Great colors! She looks like a doll.

  5. Wonderful painting, Carol. Love how you cropped it. I'm looking forward to seeing your studio pictures.

  6. Love those strokes for the skirt!! So fun and playful.

  7. I Love your paintings...your colors.....specially the " Spunky" one
