Tuesday, September 25, 2012

daisy blue

 I guess I am a glutton for punishment.  I painted the @*^# blue bottle again.  What was I thinking?  I "thought" I was just going to paint a sweet, little set up.  These last two paintings have been a practice in perseverance for me. This is painted on a 5 x 7" linen panel.

I am going to go hide the blue bottles now.

Happy 25th birthday to my beautiful boys today!!sold
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  1. Une peinture aux couleurs automnales... Vous avez peint votre verre d'une manière étonnante. J'aime la lumière qui vient effleurer chacun de vos objets...
    Gros bisous à vous et joyeux anniversaire à vos fils.

  2. Gosh, you make me laugh Carol. Once again the bottle is my favorite part and I think you handled it beautifully. How is your house coming along? When do you move in? Happy birthday to your twins!

  3. They are wonderful, impressive real job, I love the bright colors, congratulations greetings from his follower.
