Wednesday, September 12, 2012

you get a line and I'll get a pole

 This is a commission piece for a good friend.  This is her son and grandson.  I don't know if they caught anything but I bet they had a good time trying.  I am thankful that my husband spent lots of time like this with my three sons. No regrets!
This is painted on an 8 x 10" linen panel.
I have had a busy several days with the art show last weekend and then getting unpacked after that.  It was lots of fun and I met several new folks. One of the biggest honors was to have some previous patrons come back for some new work.  Had a chance to visit with my sister, some cousins and my roadie, Lynn.  Now... back to work!sold
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  1. Now I have Andy Griffith running through my head singing this song! A lovely moment captured forever, Carol. Great job!

  2. Wow Carol, I love your painting, it reminds me of someone special to me, more like of a friend. You painting is so beautiful. Thanks for posting this one.
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