Thursday, July 7, 2011

a little cheeky

Finally! I painted something I like. Not having a lot of luck in the painting department lately. Think it is a time issue. I really admire folks who have full time jobs and still manage to paint. Feel kind of like I have a part time job training for my upcoming Susan G Komen walk in July. I have not calculated the number of hours I have been walking each week but it is a lot.

This painting is a gift for my BELOVED sis in law and bro in law. They are recently retired and have moved from Houston to the Chattanooga,TN area. I took this photo last weekend at a family reunion. Bailey and Jackson are cousins and two of their grand kids. They are even cuter on the flip side. This is painted on a 24 x 18" gallery wrap canvas.

This may be my last post for a bit because I leave Saturday for a work trip with the youth in my church. We are taking 50 youth and twenty adults. We have ten teams working on different homes in eastern Tennessee. Hope you all have a wonderful week!sold
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  1. Beautiful painting, Carol! Really captures a mood. And the pink of innocence. Love all the colors and the rendering of the hair too. Have a joyful and productive week in Tennessee.

  2. Great job on this. The light and simplicity of their hair is so well done. Sounds like a good trip!

  3. Carol, this is fantastic! What a great gift! The work party sounds awesome. What a wonderful opportunity. You are amazing!

  4. Carol, this is such a sweet painting! Sounds like a wonderful trip here in my home state! Safe travels to you on your mission trip!

  5. Love little cheeky- what a special treasure. You got a lot going on lately- all good:) Travel safe and take care!!

  6. I'm not suprised you love it, it's lovely as is the title!

  7. Love the title! LOL These two girls could be my two granddaughters! Gorgeous colors and fabulous composition, Carol!

  8. A wonderful painting, Carol - sweet as can be! What a fantastic gift! Sounds like a great project you and your crew are preparing for. Have a safe, fruitful trip.

  9. What a delightful painting! Love those tan little bodies. I know your s-i-l was thrilled!

    You sound like a busy girl and all for such worthy causes. Hope you have a great time and get some good reference pics along the way.

  10. Best wishes with all the upcoming. Great painting here. Sunny and well-designed.

  11. Love the title and the body language of the little girls! You've taken on a lot and I hope you have a wonderful, productive trip!

  12. Hope you are having a great week in eastern Tennessee! Beautiful painting! I love the whole beach series of paintings. Your colors are always so fresh and clean.
