Thursday, July 28, 2011


Not sure why I am drawn to certain body positions. There is something about hands on hips that interests me. I have talked before about how I like squatting kids. Well...I like beach goers with hands on hips. Maybe it makes us look more thoughtful.?
This is painted on a 20 x 20" canvas.sold

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  1. I think I've seen these ladies on the beach too, Carol! I agree with you that the "hands on the hips" beachgoers are intriguing. You have captured this so well. I'm liking your new series, from your trip to Boston!

  2. Love this new series! Glad you had a great trip to Boston and were able to visit the art museum.

  3. Love these ladies! I can just see them watching all that's going on. They
    have probably been friends for ages.

  4. Les trois grâces à la plage!... Elles sont géniales. Il y a une grande âme dans cette peinture. Elle renvoie une grande émotion. Bravo.
    Gros bisous

  5. I enjoy seeing the older women in bathing suits. I give them kudos for their willingness to stuff themselves into one! I lost my figure just after I turned 43 (woe is me and alas and alack) and haven't seen a bathing suit since then. These ladies give me courage. Maybe the swim dress...'Cept I need long sleeves! LOL Love the realism in these latest pieces and so wish I had good friends to brave the swim suit with me!

  6. Well, I think it is all about the attitude in these hands on the hips ladies. They have lived their life and are still ready to roll. What an amazing series! And Yes, they are certainly thoughtful!! Love this one.
