Friday, October 1, 2010

you first


This is a commission piece that I just finished for my good friend's mom. My friend was lucky enough to be blessed with two sets of fraternal twins. This is the youngest set. They are nineteen at the present. Extra special because they are good friends with my youngest son. The older set are girls and five years ahead. Anyway...these two have always been opposite in looks. John has olive skin and dark hair and Mary has curly, blonde hair. What I thought was funny about this picture was their stance is so similiar. Both standing so straight with their arms held out a bit. I am wondering if it was a little cold or whether they were so excited to be at the beach. They are great kids and I hope this will bring back some fun memories.
Painted this on an 11 x 14" linen canvas.
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  1. Vengo a felicitarte , tus obras son muy bellas, desde ahora te sigo y volvere a visitarte... Un abrazo.

  2. Carol, I can actually picture them standing there wondering and vocalizing who's going in first. Those waves must look ominous to the little ones. Good to see things from their perspective one in a while, don't you think?

  3. Oh Carol - I LOVE this one! Very well done!

  4. Hey Carol, What a charming painting! Your customer should be absolutely thrilled

  5. Carol this is a fabulous piece. It is so full of atmosphere and life. You have handled the figures and waves so well. Well done!
