Friday, October 22, 2010

and then she was like...

Took this photo in Destin, FL a month ago. I loved the body language between the mom and daughter. The daughter is probably in the middle of telling some dramatic story and using her hands to give signs in case her mom does not understand. I painted this on a 5 x 7 "panel.
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  1. Awesome! Love the contract of value.

  2. This is fabulous! I love the title and subject - it's something we ladies can all relate to! The flashes of bright light give it a great amount of life and the curve of the back on the girl on the left is just beautiful.

  3. Really great! You captured the figures so well with so few strokes! Love the expression on the mom's face..she is listening intently to her daughter. Great skin colors, too!

  4. Really like the way you painted this with all that juicy paint! You really captured the figure's gestures. Very nice painting!

  5. Beautiful piece Carol. You have captured this little moment in time so simply and effectively. Great job!

  6. I love their posture and the way the bright light glints off their skin. A wonderfully captured moment, Carol.

  7. I always love your figure work and this one certainly did not disappoint! Your loose style and spot on values are a joy to behold. Really great skin tones. The rusty reds looks so beautiful next to the clear, turquoise water. I also like the way you have the figures positioned to the far right to allow for that nice long shadow.

  8. Love the pose and all the different directions of your brushwork. Great job on that hand, too.

  9. Makes me want to say OMG its like wonderful.

  10. Great painting, Carol.
    I'm enjoying look through your blog. Love your Grandads sketch, it would make a great painting.

  11. Oh how I can relate to this mother/daughter combo! Everything is perfect here, love the story, but your chunky brushstrokes and light is just superb!

  12. Love this one Carolyn, it's a perfect moment in time!!

  13. I really, really enjoy this painting. Yes, the gesture, but also the skillful composition and brushwork that I could look at endlessly!
