Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the good old days


I did this drawing of my grand dads several years ago. Hope to paint it some day. I was fortunate to have grand dads that lived until I was in my late twenties and had children. They spent a good bit of time together the last few years of their lives. They both out lived their spouses and spent a lot of time at my parent's home.
One thing I like about this picture is their hands. The man on the right was my mother's father and was a farmer. His hands were pretty beaten up through the years. Even lost part a finger in a saw mill accident. The man on the left was my father's dad and was a railroad engineer. He took great pride in how soft his hand were. He would wear two pair of gloves to protect his hands. I can still vividly remember how soft and smooth they were.
Sorry if this image is not good. I am spending a few days in North Carolina and don't have my normal set up. It is SOOO beautiful up here and I hope to try some plein air painting. I keep putting it off because I am so intimidated. That won't get me anywhere.
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  1. Carol, you have some mighty fine drawing skills. What a treasure you have here. Know you'll love having a painting of the granddads as well. Know what you mean about being intimidated about plein's like a foreign language to a studio painter. The weather is so perfect right now, I feel kinda guilty not hauling the paints outdoors....just do it!

  2. Very nice drawing Carol, and what great memories! You've captured them beautifully!
