Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This was a commissioned piece and birthday surprise for one of my friends.  Her daughter and daughter in law were the gifters.  I enjoy painting scruffy animals because you can be a little looser with the brush work.  Trapper looks very innocent in this pose.  It is painted on an 8 x 10 x 2" canvas.

I had a good time in Houston at the Woodlands art show even if the weather was not too stellar. Saturday ended up being a pretty good day and lots of people came out. It is always fun meeting new artists and patrons.  I am still unpacking so I will wait and share some photos with you in my next post.

Next Saturday, April 18th, is the 34th annual Mt Brook Spring Art festival. The hours are 9-4 and it is held on the beautiful sports field of Crestline Village. 25 vine Street, Mt Brook, AL 35213. Hopefully it will not rain but if it does, the rain out date is the next day, the 19th, from 12-5.


  1. Adorable dog...Love your brush work, Carol.

  2. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis ravie d'apprendre que votre exposition à Houston se soit bien déroulée.
    J'aime beaucoup la peinture de cet adorable petit toutou qui ravirait également Sir Icarus mon dalmatien!

    ❀ ♡ Gros bisous ♡ ❀

  3. Terriers are never really innocent though, are they? LoL He's gorgeous, Carol! That is one lucky mom!

  4. Bet she was one happy Birthday Girl! What a lovely painting.

  5. Oh I love this! The attitude of the dog and the brushwork!! Woohoo
