Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I miss painting still lifes.  Kind of....  It is nice when they come together like this one did. It is hard thinking of new set ups that will inspire you. This one is painted on an 8 x 10" linen panel.

I leave tomorrow morning for the Woodlands show in Texas.  I have talked a lot about that show but the very next weekend is one of my favorite shows to do all year.  The Mountain Brook Art Association annual Spring Festival is Saturday, April 18th at Crestline Elementary School.  It is a one day show and the hours are 9-4.  It is a lot of fun to see my Birmingham and surrounding cities friends.  (Artists and patrons ) I will have still life, figurative work and animals at that show.

I heard yesterday on the news that the bluebonnets in Texas are putting on quite a show.  I talked my travel buddy and husband Dan into tacking another hour
on to our drive so that we could spend the night in Brenham, TX.   Several Texas folks told me I could see a good many of them there.

Yee haw!


  1. Bonjour chère Carol,

    Une composition séduisante... Des nuances de couleurs qui me font penser à la douceur du miel.
    Un très joli travail dans les volumes.
    Je vous souhaite un superbe festival... J'aurais bien aimé m' rendre si seulement vous n'étiez pas si loin pour moi !!

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

  2. Have a great time in Texas, Carol! I expect to see paintings of bluebonnets in your future posts.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful, color harmony Carol. You must have been painting up a storm. two shows!!! Busy artist.?
    Lucky you seeing the bluebonnets. A sight to remember...and maybe a future painting?

  4. Beautiful, beautiful, color harmony Carol. You must have been painting up a storm. two shows!!! Busy artist.?
    Lucky you seeing the bluebonnets. A sight to remember...and maybe a future painting?

  5. Color harmony indeed. Really a beautifully painted still life, Carol. I hope you get to see dizzying fields of bluebonnets on your trip!

  6. Oh Carol, this is a beautiful still life...I love how you painted the jar...and the green bowl is perfect. I hope to see more of these paintings from you...it's such a wonderful change. When I visited Texas I was there when all the blue bonnets were in season and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was....fields and fields of blues...

  7. And this one came together very nicely! I never get tired of your cows—the previous with 2 longhorns has a great abstract, color field quality. And the sleepy hereford is irresistible. Good luck at your Texas show!
