Thursday, March 8, 2012


 Thank you for being patient with me these last few days as I have stuck to painting what makes me purely happy.  I needed some comic relief from the anxiety and work that comes with preparing to move.  My Boston ladies have been a sweet release.  This is painted on a 10 x 10" gallery wrapped canvas.

And.....I would love to hear some of your ideas for a title for this painting.  My "harumph" was from the lady in green in regards to Ruby and her red suit. Chartreuse is a bit bold too.
In actuality, they were all wearing black or navy.
Posted by Picasasold


  1. What a great series! Hopefully in a few years someone will get such pleasure out of seeing me (us) at the beach!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Second that! I love this painting.

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  2. These paintings are SO fun! Great titles too. Your rendering of the women is great, but I also really like you you paint the water. Very very nice!

  3. Lovely painting! I like this serie of paintings a lot. Maybe because I can recognize myself in this last painting and am having such a good time.
    How about " The beach girls " or " It's now or never ". Great work!!

  4. That's because that is what woman wear in Boston! Great painting! My favorite subject.

  5. You owe it to yourself to give yourself "painting breaks" in order to keep your sanity during this move. Great job on these Boston ladies!

  6. I am loving this fun series too, Carol. Especially those sassy bathing suits! Keep up the great work! :)

  7. "Just who does she think she is?" wearing that attention grabbing red?
    This series is just fabulous and one so many can relate to.

  8. Have they started on your new house yet, Carol? Oh to be on property loaded with trees. Anyway, the ladies are always fabulous and I am wanting a swim dress like the lady in the eggplant colored one.

  9. Il est bon de retrouver vos oeuvres après plus de 6 semaines d'absence... Je rentre tout juste des Philippines...
    j'aime votre série des femmes de la plage...
    Gros bisous

  10. Really Carol, how can you possibly improve on "Harumph"? I love any title that makes me smile and that adds even more personality to a painting... I say keep it! And I love this wonderful painting, too. I love all your ladies :)
