Wednesday, November 9, 2011

dippity doo

I don't know if they make dippity doo any more or if I spelled it right. These cows looked like they used some. The one in the front had a nice pompadour and the one in the back has a Ryan Seacrest look. This is painted on an 11 x 14" linen canvas.
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  1. Carol, you have a great sense of humor and wonderful imagination. Dippity doo for cows, maybe? Love the colors!

  2. I always love that you get such character with your cows. Your true affection for them comes through...just love this one! Wonderful colors and brushwork! Like the dippity doo story:)

  3. Shhhhh ..... it's a secret, but yes, I remember dippity doo. It looks better on your cows than it did on my hair! Love your loose brush strokes.

  4. I used dippity doo to plaster my bangs to my forehead, they taped them down with some kind of pink hair tape! Love your cows!

  5. So remember Dippity Doo myself. The cows are fabulous and who knew they could be so fashionable!

  6. Love the cows you've being doing. Thanks for the kind comments to my blog
    Regards Robin J Mitchell

  7. Dippity Doo made my curls shall we say stiff....Love these cows.
