Tuesday, September 13, 2011

working it

Painted on a 6 x 6" gallery wrap canvas.sold
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  1. The postures here are terrific, Carol! It looks like you have claimed the "hands on the hips" stance. I also really like the way you've handled the foreground -- nice!

  2. Oh my gosh, what wonderful color! Love her purple bulging backside! What character!

  3. Adore lady on the left....she has got some serious attitude. You do such an amazing job capturing these bathing beauties...just love it. Wonder if you will see some in Italy? It could become an international collection:)

  4. Vos femmes sont fantastiques et j'adore la posture qu'elles ont...
    Les nuances de vos couleurs sont aussi prodigieuses.
    Gros bisous

  5. The lady on the left reminds me of my grandmother, gone awhile now. Is she wearing a backwards ball cap? I sure hope so because it makes me like her even more! Love the bit more timid lady in red too!

  6. This one makes me laugh. You have expressed such personality with these two bathing beauties. Love the purple and red.

  7. Your titles are the bomb! I know these girls. Wonderful.

  8. Really enjoyed catching up with your blog and seeing your wonderful paintings . . . love the reflected light in the geese and the great personalities in the bathing beauts. I think the hands on hips is to help their posture?--shoulders back helps keep everything from succumbing to gravity. :) Good luck with all your shows! And Italy!!!

  9. I just love this. Another title could be, "Does This Make My Butt Look Big?"

  10. You really don't have to say more than the title on this one, Carol!!!! Just spot on perfect!

  11. This one really made me smile...and it's painted to perfection. Love that you chose, shall we say, less than ideal, but oh so realistic figures. Delightful!

  12. I love the title! Your brushwork always carries such personality with it.

  13. Haha! LOVE this! Love the colors and brush strokes every bit as much as the humor.
