Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a little mushy

These pears have turned a beautiful golden color after a couple of weeks on my still life table. Pears are always a good go to after I have been away from painting for a week or so. I concentrated on standing as far away from the easel as I could and keeping a very light hold on my brush. And.....squinting! Nothing beats the shape and colors in pears. This is painted on a 5 x 7" linen canvas.
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  1. Hi, Carol! I saw your work recently at Stonehenge Gallery in Montgomery - I have work there, too! I loved your work and now I just found your blog through Carrie Waller's blog. Beautiful pears! I'm jumping back in today, too - after being away from painting for about a week! Nice to be back in a bit of a routine! Happy New Year & hope to meet you one day!

  2. These are so dynamic. I wish I could achieve a background like this.

  3. Thrilled to be a subscriber! These are the most beautiful golden pears - what a beautiful touch you have with your brush!

  4. I just signed up for the emails each time you post. Yea!!!!! Your paintings are lovely and your brushstrokes are a signature beauty. I enjoy your work!

  5. Look at those gorgeous colored pears! The background color is a perfect enhancement.

  6. Wonderful pears- the colors and harmony just work so beautifully together. I think we are all getting back at it and looking forward to an amazing 2012!

  7. Lovely quiet feel to this . . . delicate but distinct brushstrokes and love the muted colors.
