Friday, August 24, 2018


 I just returned from a lovely and inspiring trip to Crested Butte, CO.  This cow lived a couple of blocks from where I was staying with my friend.  It was fun to take walks at different times of the day and see the beautiful mountains that surrounded a huge field of cows. I would get so excited that I had a hard time keeping my hands still enough to take pictures.  I am in awe of the beauty of our country.  Thank you to my friend Beth for allowing me this experience. We met at a Tim Horn workshop several years ago and were instant friends.

This cow is titled Tom because Tom Petty was one of the artists we listened to a lot while in CO. It is painted on a 36 x 36 x 2" canvas.  I thought I would share some extra photos of my process.
I will be in Marietta, GA Sept 1-3 for Art in the Park.  I would love for you to come see me if you are in the Atlanta area.  Click on the link for more information.


  1. Such a beautiful expression on her, Carol!! Glad you had a good time in Colorado!!! Yes, we live in an amazing Country....I guess that's why I stay here in Anerica! No need to leave.

  2. For sure! Nice to visit other countries but we live in a great one!
