Tuesday, September 22, 2015

sweet olive

sold  This is painted from one of my favorite pictures.  I often stop to take pictures of cows when I am traveling and I am not sure where I was when I took this.  The uncropped photo has the cow lying down and looking up at me.  I have painted this on a smaller canvas a couple of times but decided to go big this time.  "sweet olive" is painted on a 36 x 36 x 2" canvas.  
Her name was inspired by the bushes that I have growing outside my studio.  Most folks refer to them as fragrant tea olive bushes but I call them sweet olives.  The bushes are beginning to mature and really blossom.  The smell they emit is one of my all time favorites. A very happy smell.


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une nouvelle belle frimousse ! j'aime beaucoup toutes ces superbes nuances de couleurs.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Just so much fun looking back at all you've been posting of late, Carol. My weekends are no longer my own (and I love it) so my time has been crunched. But each piece is just beautiful! And you've painted the first rooster painting that has me swooning!
