Monday, January 16, 2017

dream on

Playing around a bit.  This is painted on a 20 x 20 x 2" canvas.

I had a great group in my workshop this past weekend.  They were talented and fun. It always helps me to tell people what I think is important in painting.  I love a John Carlson quote that I heard in Nancy Franke's workshop. " Too much reality is always a disappointment to the imaginative soul.  We love suggestion and not hard facts.

I have another workshop the 27 & 28th of January.  A couple of spots remaining.

My next show is The Art Event at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville.  The dates are Feb 3-5.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour chère amie,
    Je viens de prendre le temps d'admirer l'ensemble de vos peintures qui dansent sous la pluie ! J'aime beaucoup.
    Je ne suis pas très présente en ce moment sur les blogs mais lorsque le temps me le permet comme aujourd'hui c'est un ravissement de venir vous visiter.
    Gros bisous 🌸
